Friday, 9 January 2015

9 January 2015 - Notice by the pool and another khlong boat ride in Bangkok.

We had nothing particular planned for today but there is always SOMETHING to do and explore.  The boys and I walked through Lumpini Park again to the Food Court, again for doughnuts and again getting a bit lost as the park is huge with many paths and many exits! We counted the Giant Monitor Lizards again who are most active early in the morning.

It was interesting to note the number of elderly or infirm people who were being wheeled in wheelchairs through the park and then driven home.  In a city where apartment living is the norm and footpaths are impassable, then a park "walk" in the morning before one's carers go to work is probably their only option for fresh air.

I didn't have my camera with me but smiled to myself at the flowerpots neatly arranged outside a shop to say: EWLCOME.  I was tempted to change it around but didn't!

We bought some post cards and cards on the way.  It took 3 people to serve us: one to hand the cards and cash to, one to give the change and one to wipe the bench down before the cards were put in an envelope!  All sort of quaint and there's always people ready to help unlike at home when there is no-one in sight if you ever need a hand in a shop. 

Durian - the famous stinky fruit - always amazes me why people ever thought it would be edible.

Which rice do we want?
The kids and I decided to go to Big C, the closest supermarket, near Centre World, for basic supplies like sticky rice, toilet cleaner and conditioner. The options for rice were overwhelming especially with many of the labels being in Thai only.  When buying produce in a Thai supermarket, the grocery counter weighs and labels the produce before it goes through the checkout.  Durian seems to be in season and the smell is powerful especially when it is cut up and packaged ready to eat. There are other fruits most of which I recognise but some of which I am yet to taste. It is the little packs of "goodies" which are a complete mystery.

Karl was happy to stay home and do his "R"course on line and walk to Nana.
Luke wondering about the tyres.


We walked on to the canal pier and jumped on the boat, confident as the locals.  We went to Bobe Market which is a HUGE clothes market.  Interesting, but again overwhelming with all the choice...and especially as we can't buy any more to carry with us due to space/weight restrictions.  Bobe Market had a seedy feel to it and I rather felt we were being followed by a pickpocket who disappeared very rapidly when a security guard rounded the corner.

Still love seeing huge amounts of one type of fruit just piled up!

The kids were desperate for the delicious pizza we had previously discovered, so that was lunch.  Luke tried a zebra icy pole and Tim had a giraffe!  They are always eager to try new icy poles!
Apparently, the nicest icy pole EVER!
 We walked back for a quiet time.  Tim decided that he couldn't resist the temptation of another cheap movie and off he went, me reminding him that he had to stand for the National Anthem.

I couldn't find "Chicken Man"  at dinner time so opted for barbequed fish, beef and pork from a tiny roadside stall.  The little street stall owners are tremendously innovative and enterprising with their little food businesses.  Tables and stools and all their equipment is carried on tiny vehicles and set and packed up quickly.  They seem to do a good trade.  I said that I DIDN"T want the spicy sauce so he gave me a sweet very chilli sauce instead!  A bit of a surprise!!!
We were amused that a new notice had been erected by the poolside about leaving wet footprints after being reprimanded last night.  We felt it was a bit pedantic and we had said that it wouldn't happen again!  Fair enough: it is rather posh here! Nothing will stop our nightly pool cool downs!

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