Saturday, 3 January 2015

3 January 2015 - Chakuchak Market and exotic pets

After heading to 7-11 twice: once for milk and cereals and once for lemonade for Annika who was feeling poor we finally headed for Chit Lom Station to go to Chakuchak Market.  We alighted at Mo Chit along with hundreds of other market goers and the crowds persisted all day.

Our main goal of finding a resin sea creature for Luke such as we’d seen at Patong and not bought because Karl said there would be hundreds in Bangkok, was not achieved, sadly.  However, in our wanderings we saw SO much.  Luke was keen to drink in every little detail and he was transfixed by the various artifacts and wares and little alleyways and crowds.  The big kids were generally easily tired and complained for most of the morning.  Food in the form of garlic bread and kebabs and mango smoothie and mango with sticky rice failed to enthuse them to continue exploring the market.  It was good that they could go home together with the key and their Rabbit Cards for the Sky Train.  It is great that we have safe and secure accommodation here.  Feeling very blessed indeed.
Chicken man - Luke's breakfast!

Shell shop at Chakuchak Market

Coffee man who danced for us!

So, after re-fuelling Luke with some pork, Karl, Luke and I started the second part of the exploration and it was fantastic.  We headed firstly to the fish market which I thought was going to be live  fish for the purpose of eating but, no, it was pet fish and more!! We saw hundreds of bags of gold fish and several with stingrays, live crickets and maggots.  After sampling deep fried grasshoppers -  a kind lady shared some of hers with us before her kids gobbled them all up,  Karl and I bought a bag for 20 Baht. Some Malaysian girls, who also hadn’t tried this delicacy, tried ours, then bought their own!
We ventured further into the fish market and we awe struck by the variety of fish and even live coral and spotted stingrays.  The oddest looking fish were “Dragon Angel” fish.    Luke could have spent the entire afternoon wandering in between the tanks.
Coconut monkey

Sticky rice and mango and mango smoothies!

Dog dressed in clothes and shoes!

Lovely wares

Deep fried insects and grubs!

The wings acted like natural dental floss!

Karl's goal of the day - eating a grasshopper!

Yes!  Crunching on a grasshopper.

The fish market connected to the pet market and here we were in for an eye opener!  Little fluffy dogs, tiny dwarf baby bunnies in dresses, kittens, sugar gliders, baby hedgehogs, snakes, iguanas, a racoon, macaws, even toucans.  The vendors clearly cared for their animals.  There were prairie dogs in coats, baby love birds being fed, coifed dogs wearing clothes and shoes, and shrews, common and tree, some owls and other exotic birds.  We saw a young girl with her two pet sugar gliders with her special carrying bag.  She had brought them to the vendor for their toenails to be clipped. For me, this really was the highlight of the market.
Literally thousands of goldfish for sale

...and stingrays, too!

Sugar gliders make sweet little pets.

A carry bag for the sugar gliders - latest accessory for teenage girls

 We came away from the market with one scarf, two shells, three tiny elephants, three anklets, some wooden salad servers, a massager and awesome memories!  Luke really wants to come back with an empty bag to fill on another trip as we don’t have the space for souvenirs this time!
A prairie dog

Baby hedgehogs

Friendly macaw or hungry macaw!


Baby owl - so tame and so soft!

Hungry crocodile...

We drifted with the crowd toward the Sky Train and made it home safely.  After much encouragement, Luke did some writing practice which I try to do with him every day.  He is happy enough to do maths and drawing but writing is a struggle.

After our fairly normal dinner of rice, green veggies and fried chicken, we watched part of Bridge over River Kwai in preparation for our journey there.

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