Monday, 12 January 2015

12 January 2015 - Nice Pad Thai from a back street market and catching our breath!

We were all so tired from our day trip to Nom Tuk yesterday and I personally had hoped for one of those delicious long sleeps that leaves one refreshed....mmmmm....someone's device beeped throughout the night at random and Luke woke up somewhere along the track and turned on our light.  It was a drag-yourself-around type of day.
Luke posting letter to his friend, Liam.

There are always highlights of course and mine came in the form of a sugar free bubble tea - aaah - after the over sweet drinks we find usually and buying Pad Thai from a back street market/community.

We walked to the back street market we found at the beginning of our time in Bangkok.  It is good for veggies and bananas but definitely not a tourist spot.  In fact, as we walked down their main street - covered with canvas awnings and wide enough for a motorbike going slowly and a few pedestrians, it feels a little like you are invading their privacy.  Babies asleep in little hammocks, people sitting around sorting out veggies and watching TV.  We felt we were literally in their living space.  There are a few communal coin operated washing machines, laundry hanging to dry, a barber or two and clean drinking water booths. I guess it would be rather soggy there in the wet season.

I saw a local buy some delicious looking Pad Thai and opted for the same.  We walked back over the overpass to Lumpini Park and sat on a bench and ate our hot food.  It was so tasty, all for 35 Baht.  Luke and Karl filled up with lady fingers.
Street kitchen for Pad Thai

Sizzling hot and delicious

Lunch in the park

Luke had fun dashing under the sprinklers in the park despite us warning him that the water probably came straight from the lake!  I hope he kept his mouth closed!
Sprinkler fun!

We packed our bags for Cambodia and planned our route.  We think we will go by train to the border and then take the bus to Siem Reap.

Our fried chicken man who used to stand outside 7-11 has gone and there are new food carts in his place but it is chicken we wanted!  I went hunting and did find a sausage cart which supplemented
our sticky rice and veggies for dinner.

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