Tuesday, 28 July 2015

28 July 2015 - At stay at home type of day, sort of....

As keen as I am to get out and explore, there is school to do and that is the deal with travelling for a year with school age children. A frustration for all!

Tim has run/walked over 500kms, by our estimate, in his runners we bought in Germany.  Although they were Asics and we always get good wear out of them, I guess they've taken a hammering and it was time for new runners. Tim and Annika and I went hunting and found a Sports Direct store, with a sale, so that was the deal!  Shoes bought without a headache but they are not Asics and not quite as good.

We popped into Tesco Express for a few groceries rather than walking all the way to the big shops.  Standing in the queue I was  flabbergasted at the number of people buying lottery tickets.  Nearly everyone bought at least one but one woman bought 4!  What a waste of money!!  We had remarked on the number of betting shops and pawn shops in London down Kilburn High Road.  Is it a symptom of poverty or a comfort for those living for their lucky strike, giving them hope?  It certainly contributes to a bigger expenditure...plus the cigarettes which seem to be more common than in Australia.

Irresistible!  They are not sprayed in England as the cold winters keep the growth under control.
 School wasn't too bad from my side of things today and we are working through the next module steadily.  The big kids' Semester 2 work is in full flight and it is quite a demanding schedule considering we want to do some sight seeing as well.  

Blackberries ripe for picking!

Pollen worker doing a great job to ensure more blackberries!
 Late afternoon with fine but cloudy weather we went out for a wander.  Karl and I just can't resist the wild blackberries on the canal side and it is always nice to watch the long boats moving through the locks.

Historic tiles on a shop - love the way history is intermingled with the modern shops
 The highlight of the walk, apart from gazing up at the old buildings dating from 1570, was finding a Thai grocery store and bought some sticky rice!! Honey soy chicken and sticky rice for dinner!  We became very fond of sticky rice in Thailand! 

Inn - Parson Street circa 1570

One of the shopping streets in Banbury looking quaint!

Old columns, on the footpath, outside St Mary's...so much fun to trip over history!


  1. Mmm sticky rice yum!! It shepherds pie for us for dinner tonight :) still loving sitting and reading your blog while I have my morning cuppa Helen.
    Yes I imagine new runners would be tricky to find sometimes, do they have the bigger sizes??

    1. Glad you are enjoying the blog!! I enjoy writing it and learning as I go! Re shoe size - most shop assistants look incredulously at Tim's feet and are surprised that there shops do stock such sizes!
