Thursday, 23 July 2015

23 July 2015 - Barbeque in the local park with some ex-Blackburners!

I spent some time with Tim early in the morning before the noise of the day, so to speak, and then a fresh walk with the big kids along the canal.  We thought we could actually imagine snow here given that it is midsummer and most days are 16-22 C!  I actually think this coolish weather is just perfect for walking and touring about!

We had arranged to meet Lesley and Dan Collins who lived for some years in Blackburn North and their kids went to the same primary school as ours did.  We always knew Lesley as the "English woman who walked a lot".  They moved back to England a few years ago and their two children are visiting Australia at the moment!

Meeting at the Pirate

As per arrangement we met on the canal near the pirate at the Arts Centre and then adjourned to the park for lunch.  They brought along a couple of portable disposable barbeques which cooked our sausages really well and quickly.  We were so busy chatting that we forgot to take a photo until after the picnic was all packed up!!

Lesley and Dan Collins

Banbury- Oxford Canal
 Time for a coffee at the Mill Cafe at the Arts Centre which was lovely and then a walk along the canal.  The weather was kind and in fact warmer than we imagined judging by the rosy faces sitting around the dinner table tonight!
The Pirate at the Arts Centre

Narrow part for narrow boats!

 It was excellent to catch up with Lesley and Dan and we are grateful that they made time to see us.


Local rose with beautiful perfume

More roses on our estate
We are still getting surprised with various foods on our travels.  We bought a jelly cube which we thought was to be eaten just like that.  When the kids told me the jelly was sort of thick and stretchy, I read the packet which indicated it should be diluted with up to 570mls of water!!  No wonder it was thick !!!

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