Saturday, 27 December 2014

27 December 2014 - Luke's 7 th birthday and we farewell Phuket

Happy 7th Birthday Luke Isaac Keesman – the young man who has never had a birthday at home!  We are always travelling at this time of year.  You have been 7 in my mind for a while and we had your party in October!!  And Happy Birthday to my sister Ali, too, as they are birthday twins!
Happy Birthday cut out of tourist brochures!

Birthday breakfast!

Tim not feeing 100% well yet so Karl, Annika, Luke and I walked to the fabulous beach (Ao Yon Beach) – seriously amazing, Annika found 1570 Baht lying on the road!!!!  It was thus a no-brainer that we sit at the Ship Inn Bar and have fruit smoothies before walking up the really steep hill back to Bel Air.  We jumped in the lower pool on the way back for a de-salt and freshen before final showers and last minute packing. 

Luke doing what he likes best : exploring and discovering

Lemonade treat for his birthday!

 I went to the reception to use Wi –Fi and on the way back saw a thin green snake slithering rapidly up the stair well – what a speed and a FRIGHT!!!

For the record: I am NOT a snake person

Golden Tree Snake - Thailand - Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima
“These are like the road runner of snakes – they are super fast, thin, an agile. They can climb trees and bushes faster than any other snake I’ve seen, and they are wicked fast on the strike. Yesterday I saw one strike so fast I couldn’t see it. That’s fast.

These are very common snakes here in Thailand, they are definitely one of the top 5 snakes you are likely to see in this country. On average I see 1-2 a week – without looking for them. They are constantly snaking across the roads. I have given chase about a dozen times and was only fast enough to catch them 4 out of 12 times. Once they hit the green brush – forget it man – they are impossible to find or catch if you do see them. So, best chance to catch this snake is on the road if you can jump off your motorcycle or out of your vehicle fast enough.

These snakes bite fast and often, and they do have venom, but the venom is only toxic to frogs, lizards, and other small animals – not usually humans. If you happen to be allergic to the venom, you could still go into shock, though I’ve not seen any cases of this in the literature.”

That appears to be the one I saw!!!  EEEEk!....Although, the commentator at the Bangkok Snake Farm (5 January 2015 Blog) thought it may have been an Ornate Glider Snake.

We packed our bags with some effort to zip them up required and took the stairs (not lift in case the snake was in it!) down to the street.
Farewell, Cape Panwa!

Can't fit all of us plus packs in a normal taxi... we piled into the Aquarium Bus and off we went..
 We took the Aquarium Bus (as a private taxi) to Bus Terminus 2 and sat and waited for our 1900 bus to Bangkok.  We had some time at Supercheap and bought things like “Loga” Chima – not Lego – imitation for an 8th of the price.  Also had foot massages…aaah!!!
Our VIP bus was clean and we had a little 6 seat section on the ground floor of the bus.  We were given food and coffee and at our 22.30 stop :”Flee food VIP” – a sandwich and a drink .  We got into Bangkok on time and after some taxi negotiating and phone our airbnb host for directions, Tim, Luke and I arrived here at Grand Langsuan condominium and Karl and Annika in another taxi got lost and took ages!! Our taxi cost 150 Baht and theirs cost 400 Baht!!!

VIP Bus from Phuket to Bangkok

Happy little traveller...

Middle of the night somewhere between Phuket and Bangkok

Enjoying our "Flee Food" on the night bus.


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