Thursday, 5 November 2015

5 November 2015 - A bit of school and a bit more of Rome!

Tim had to sit a maths test today under exam conditions - always daunting, even for me as supervisor!  It was another sensational Roman morning so just Tim and I went for a brisk walk to stretch our legs and oxygenate our brains, then back to sit down and get on with the inevitable!  It is Annika's turn next week for her maths test.

Streets of Rome in the morning!
City living!
Karl, Annika and Luke went out walking to keep things as quiet as possible.  When they came back with soaked shoes, I thought they'd been running through a fountain, but apparently, it rained!!  Oblivious to that, Tim had been doing his test and I had been going through the rigmarole if applying for Sri Lankan transit visas for our homeward trip.  Cheapest flights available were from Rome via Sri Lanka to Bangkok.  As we don't know in advance just how much school the kids will need to do at the end of our trip, we opted not to stay in a new and potentially exciting place like Sri Lanka in case there is lots of school to do.  This is why we are going back to Bangkok, which we know already but in my heart of hearts I would have loved a bit of adventure in Sri Lanka!  The kids are feeling a bit weary of exploring but I don't think I ever will be!  We won't be short of things to do in Bangkok but if school is still pending, then we'll feel we can give the time to study.

Tim enjoyed a Nutella/almond sensation from the local bakery as a reward at the end of his test.  Annika said she'd be happy to forgo the treat if she didn't have to do the test!! Smart thinking, Annika!!...but sorry!

Puddle fun!

Lovely rainbow in the blue sky!!

There was a bit more rain which delayed our afternoon outing.  We had a long walk along the river to the Ponte Della Musica, a modern bridge and then along the east side of the river.  The highlight of our walk apart from the autumn leaves and nice light was Tim and Luke running along and checking all the parking meters and between them finding 4.20 euros that careless folk had left!  The race is on!!!  Who can find the most?!  With the number of beggars and gypsies around, it was amazing that the money was there.

Post rain reflections
Tim picking a nose!
We saw a whole line of book vans - second hand books, I think - perhaps they had packed up early because of the rain.

We walked about in the direction of Villa Borghese but realised we had left it too late as it was getting quite dark. With wet roads and dark evenings crossing the wide roads was hazardous.  The Italian drivers and pedestrians seem to pay no heed to crosswalks and lights!  Most of the official crosswalks are used for parking spaces!  We are reasonably familiar with local streets but the darkness makes it hard to read street signs.  

Autumn in Rome

Just the colour of the buildings against the sky is enough to cheer me!

Fountains are everywhere!
Our year away is coming to a close. The kids are eager to be home again but I am in no hurry!  I want to enjoy my time away.  Once school is finished each day, I can't wait to be out and exploring, walking and reflecting and being thankful for this great opportunity.  I think, and I suppose I always have thought, that joy can be found in every day, in some way.


  1. The year has gone fast! We attended the year 12 info night last night and still can't believe we're already up to that!!! Take as much time as you can to enjoy your moments in this last month :)

    1. Life marches past really quickly when we have kids "going through the stages" - and soon they'll all be adults!!!
