Monday, 2 November 2015

2 November 2015 - Arrivederci Bologna, Buon Giorno Roma!

Not a good sleep is usual before we make our big moves and have trains to catch!  Last night was no exception!  Anyway, we were all up, packed, fed and the house was clean before we trundled our gear to our local station for the 0817 train. Two things we were really grateful for: the station was very close (only a couple of hundred metres away) and it was a beautiful fine morning.

Bologna Roveri station - mobile gymnasium!

Once at Bologna Centrale, with all our gear, we were immediate targets for the gypsy offers of luggage handling which were met with firm: “No’s” of course!  And we were prepared for similar in Rome!  There are warning notices against such scams but there seems be little policing.

Watch those pickpockets!

A fair amount of junk!
 Finally we boarded our high speed train to Roma Termini and settled in for an ear popping and slightly cramped journey in allocated seats.  Annika looked at the speed at one time and it was 247 kms/hour!  I actually felt a bit motion sick which has never happened on a train before and was glad when our journey ended.  We happened to be seated opposite a honeymoon couple from Maidstone on their 5 week trip to Europe so we chatted and the time went quickly.

Train 9411, Carriage 6, Seat 18 a and 18 b

It was actually a hassle free trip to our Metro stop, Lepanto, with only one gypsy who was moved on fairly swiftly by police.  There is a larger police presence in Rome and it was noticeable.  The hard part was the stairs at the Metro with all our gear and the walk to our apartment.  It really wasn't far but with all our stuff, it seemed like we'd never get there.  Everyone carries as much as they can and Tim puts in a sterling effort doing the heavy lifting up and down stairs.

Simonetta, our host, was at our apartment to meet us and showed us around.  It is a spacious apartment, bigger than what I'd imagined being in a city.  We unpacked a bit and Annika cooked some good ol' pasta for our "uberlunch".  Poor Luke was the one with a headache this time and ended up tucking himself into bed and going to sleep.

Our Rome apartment - lounge room

Hall looking into kitchen

Annika's turn for the double bed!
Tim and Luke's room

Our room - plus loads of cupboard space.

Bathroom 2 - complete with bidet!

Some modern neighbouring apartments.

Looking out of another window

Local buildings and blue, blue sky!
Tim, Annika and I went out on the search for a supermarket and a bit of a sticky nose around the area.  It is a quietish spot, with lots of car parked, possibly legally, but they appear to just be abandonned wherever.  Green pedestrian lights mean EXTRA caution and basically it appears it is safe(ish) to cross the road whenever, wherever as long as you get the driver's attention and go in a group!!

We walked to the River Tiber and across a bridge just because we could, before earnestly looking for a supermarket.  City prices are more expensive than Bolognese prices at our local Coop so we'll do a bit of research but today, it was just a matter of grabbing a few essentials and starting our pantry again.  We are here for a month, so we can stock up a bit.

I tried to assist an elderly gentleman who seemed to be struggling a bit.  When he joined us in the lift he pointed to his leg which as it turned out was a prosthetic one, and told us that his leg had been harmed by a terrorist bomb! Eeeek!

Our local bridge over the Tiber!

Riverside track...with homeless accommodation (mattresses) under bridges - always sad to see.

Are we really in the middle of Rome?

Our apartment block.
We found our way back with no trouble.  Tim and Annika are mobile GPS units: their orientation skills are fantastic.  Tim  unfortunately twisted his dodgy ankle AGAIN, poor lad!  It was dark before we knew it, and dim from 4.30 PM onwards.  We are heading for winter but right now, Rome is splendid with clear skies and gentle autumnal light.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you arrived safely to another nice home. Sleep well!
