Wednesday, 14 October 2015

14 October 2015 - Chassepierre

I vow that I will take gloves with me tomorrow, wherever we go.  It is cold and it is that penetrating cold that once it chills you, it takes a warm bath to really thaw.  The temperature gauge didn't exceed 6 C today.  We are thankful that the heating is now working!

After our day out yesterday Tim wanted a home-ish day today so he could keep going with school.  He and I went for a walk but not until 8-ish as it was too dark and misty!  Of course we stopped off on our way back at the boulangerie!

It was definitely soup for lunch type of day and this kitchen has such a good selection of pots and equipment in the kitchen that we also had garlic bread with it.  Some places we have stayed at haven't had ovens or much equipment at all.  This house is definitely a home and feels so welcoming.  Initially, with our accommodations this year we were reluctant to use utensils etc. but we have got more in to the swing of actually "living".

River Semois at Chassepierre

Family of draught horses

The biggest horse Luke had ever seen

Cows coordinated with autumn colours
 According to the local information Chassepierre is a charming little village on the River Semois only about 9kms from here.  It was indeed a lovely spot.  We walked over the bridge and chatted to some huge draught horses and their foal.  The cows were a rusty colour and seemed perfectly coordinated with the autumn leaves!

The bridge to the village

So very pretty
We had a chilly walk and crossed the river and explored the old mill there.  There is a festival held here in August but for the rest of the year, it is a quiet little spot, well at least it was today.

Old Millstone -  ?17th Century

It is always fun exploring ruins

Village centre

Nicely renovated stone house

And back to our car
I'd been promising Luke that we could watch Mary Poppins ever since we left London and tonight was the perfect night.  I do love it and Luke did, too!

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