Sunday, 28 June 2015

28 June 2015 - Back to HTB and the National Gallery

We decided that we would head back to Holy Trinity Brompton for the 11.30 AM service.  It was introduced by none other than Nicky Gumbell of the Alpha Course fame and then the sermon was given by Nicky and Sila Lee, the pioneers of "The Marriage Course" and various parenting courses.  It was amazing to hear the voices and see them in person having seen these people on various DVD's over the years!

The Sermon was on Luke 7: 36-50, with theme of hospitality : "Pray, Eat, Love" - a slight twist on the title of the popular book "Love, Eat, Pray".  The challenge was to welcome our neighbours with love no matter what our homes are like.  After the service, in the cafe in the crypt we met an American couple: Ashley and Gary who work for Serge, a mission organisation for the Presbyterian Church.  They are in London for 5 years and have been here for 5 months so far. It was lovely to talk to them.
Wellington Arch
We had planned to meet Tim after church but he waited outside the wrong church, unfortunately, and eventually went home.  He is unwell and has a fever, poor lad.  He is having a bad run so at least with the term over, he can rest.  Mind you he often walks/runs 10 plus kms and pushes himself physically.

Inside the Gallery
Karl and I really wanted to get back to the National Gallery to see the rooms that have been closed due to industrial action but would be open on Sundays!  Annika wasn't keen and Luke was tired, but we did walk there and they did endure a bit of the gallery for which we were thankful.  We had our picnic in Green Park just near to Buckingham Palace.  Luke kept busy on pigeon duty for some of the time and we found a nice seat to sit on!

A Picnic - Goya

The Marriage of Frederick Barbarossa - Tiepolo
Our goal was the 17th-19th Century Rooms where all the Gainsboroughs, van Goghs, Renoirs and others were displayed and we were not disappointed.  The six or so rooms we saw exhibited some of the wonderful well known paintings we love so it was well worth it.  

One of many paintings of Venice by Canaletto

Mr and Mrs Andrews - Gainsborough

Nice to see some female painters: Self portrait in a straw hat - Elisabeth Louise Vigele Le Brun

A Child with an apple - Greuze

Bathers at Asnieres - Seurat

The Louvre under Snow - Pisarro

The Skiff - Renoir

Snow Scene at Argenteuil - Monet

Gare St Lazare - Monet

The Seine at Port-Marly - Sisley

The Water Lily Pond - Monet

Van Gogh's Chair - van Gogh

Sun flowers - van Gogh

Two crabs - van Gogh

Portrait of Cezanne - Pisarro

Head of a Peasant Woman - van Gogh

Men of the Docks - Bellows

Ballet Dancers - Degas

Combing the hair - Degas - somehow familiar!

One of my favourites!!Three Dancers in Violet Tutus - Degas
On our way out, it was important to spend some time looking at the lovely floor mosaics.  Luke, being Luke got right down and checked them out!  There are so easy to miss and so wonderful to stop at! 

Floor mosaics - magpie - different from Australian magpies

Finch and spider in web - pays to look down!
Afterwards we were keen to just get home and took the tube home.  The kids are confident finding their way down the escalators and along the corridors.  So far, the Bakerloo Line has been reliable and efficient.
Down, down , down to the tube!

As most of the supermarkets close at 5PM on Sundays we had to shop at Tesco Express which has longer opening hours.  Unlike Australia where our shops are open for longer and even 24 hours in some circumstances, we have to remember the reduced hours and be prepared.  As our fridge here is tiny, we really have to shop every day.


  1. Oh amazing paintings!! So wonderful to see them up close. I would love to take Greg their one day. Sorry tim is unwell, hopefully some down time will help.

  2. Oh yeah,anyone who has studied art will know these fabulous paintings...Greg would love it. Luke inspects them close and then far away then close again for details!
