Monday, 30 March 2015

30 March 2015 - Bakery treats and a quietish day

The church bells tolled 7, then 7.30, then 8 O'Clock.  Time to get up to a rainy day.  Tim is an early riser whereas the other two kids slept in and it was so nice to catch up with some paper work early in the morning without "assistance".  We constantly feel we are on a slope and indeed we are!

The side of our house...Karl worked out the floor is on a 2.5 degree wonder we feel a bit unsteady!
We made it a family excursion to walk down to our local supermarket and check out the groceries.  We bought a few unknowns such as meat which looked like bacon and turned out to be some kind of corned beef with a vinegary flavour and also some "Dickmann's, which were an oversweet apology to our Chocolate Royals!  So much fun tying to work out what is what!!

Super Dickmann's!

Chocolate lamb

Pascal lambs

Scone bunny!
The bakeries have traditional Easter goodies for sale but no hot cross buns.  They have Pascal lambs and rabbits as well as the delicious pretzels, cheap compared to Australia.  Morning tea was loads of fun!!


The only time I'll eat rabbit!

Pretzel muncher

Walking is really the best way to notice things.  Luke noticed a snail on the wet pavement and thought it was an albino snail.  It may well be but we think it is the type of snail which lives in this area. We had never considered snails might be different!

Local snail - different from our Aussie snails

 In the late afternoon, when Tim was feeling frustrated with Luke's antics, Tim and I went for a walk to find a quiet spot for him to do some maths.  We walked to St Georges Church (1602), found it open and sat in the silence of the pews and Tim did some algebra!  I looked around the church and saw the faded frescoes of 1602 as well as beautiful stained glass windows. The bells tolled for 5 O'Clock and we headed home along the back streets.

St Georges Church

Note 1602 at the top of the fresco

Beautiful stained glass window
More stained glass windows.
17th century folk art on the walls of the church.

Ceiling fresco
 Another walk with Karl, Luke and Annika to once again give Tim some space led us through back streets!  This rooster reminded us of Rocky from Chicken Run.  He was hilarious - so protective of his hens and they were so attentive to him!

Rocky and his girls!
We think this contraption is a wheat winnower.

Dinner was interesting with the vinegary corned beef, delicious local potatoes, a range of veggies, sauer kraut and fresh mozzarella!  The dairy products are really cheap here and the fresh mozzarella is very moreish!  Living like the locals!