Saturday, 21 February 2015

21 February 2015 - School and basic shopping day - normal every day activities in a different place!

Bright sunshine greeted us through the skimpy blinds and introduced us to pure blue skies!  Saturday morning in Istanbul.  Not much on the agenda for today apart from supermarket shopping and school work – yep! Schoolwork on a Saturday as there are many days when we are too busy or travelling to do work so Distance Education is about flexibility.

View from our bedroom window - snow and blue sky
Luke started the morning trying to write on grains of rice as he had seen in the Museum of Indology back in Jaipur!  A thick blue texta wasn’t the ideal tool but the idea was good!  The other activity he loves is counting different currency notes and coins that he had collected and setting up shops.

Squinting at the sun!

Palm tress in the snow?!

Cactus in the snow?!

Hilly suburbs of Istanbul
 We decided to walk to our supermarket!  Such an enjoyable walk in the sunshine and on the dry footpaths.  People were out in the streets again but there was a far bit of car shuffling up and down the narrow one way streets as cars abandoned in the snow were being collected.  The roads are still slushy and cars seem to drive at an alarming speed down the very steep slopes.  It seemed further than 1.5 kms due to the hills and steps.

Snowy trudge to supermarket - not so hazardous now

Street steps - the other day these were lethal!

The community cats were out in force!  They were everywhere, sunning themselves on roofs and footpaths and happy for a bit of attention.

Cats loving it all!


More snow puddies!
We bought some treats which we enjoyed and they were scoffed in no time!  I had my first Turkish cappuccino which I had been longing for!  The first coffee shop I tried, the girl showed me her phone with the message translated to “Dysfunctional machine” so I went elsewhere!

Interestingly we could not find any vitamins in the supermarket.  It may be a Turkish consumer rule that no vitamins or medication are sold in supermarkets.  In fact, there are not many supermarkets and the ones available look new.  Turkey has probably been a market and little shop type of place with groceries delivered until recently.  I am feeling in need of some supplements as my tummy is still NQR after India and I reckon some multivitamins might be beneficial.  We went to a pharmacy and found what we were looking for.

Local mosque - we do hear the call to prayer but it is muffled through double glazing.
Countless games of Skip-Bo and Uno later, we convinced Luke it was definitely school time!  Whilst I realise there is lots of informal learning with games and exploring and discussions about interesting places, it is still imperative to learn how to write neatly and spell.  This is Luke’s big sticking point.

We are on a night bus tomorrow night and I was hoping to have an early night tonight but I am finding I am so totally consumed by home schooling and other normal activities as well as exploring, that sleep is put on the back burner.  I think school will settle down shortly but at the moment it really is time consuming.  When people asked if I would be working whilst we were travelling, I replied that my work would be as a mother and teacher and that would be more than enough - and I was right!!!

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