Tuesday, 24 February 2015

23 February 2105 - Rainy greeting in Bodrum

Our overnight bus arrived early from Istanbul after a safe journey during which the driver kept to his lane and obeyed road rules!  The host on the bus served tea and biscuits several times and water whenever needed.  Luke slept pretty well and the rest of us dozed on and off.

We had various stops during the night and had to pay 1 Lira for a toilet visit at each.  The amenities were clean so that's what we want!   The Ayram or buttermilk was excellent in the middle of the night for a refreshment.  The stops seemed to be mainly to cater for the smokers who represented at least half the bus and brought their stinky smell back in with them.

Our next Airbnb host, another Mustafa, came promptly to collect us (in two car loads) to take us on the short but hilly drive to his apartment.  Despite the pouring rain the view of the Aegean Sea was wonderful.  The apartment is homely and the kids immediately liked it.  The kitchen was well stocked with goodies which was so nice after our trip.

Kitchen and lounge area

We are on a hill  looking over other white Turkish houses.
Tim was in his element sorting out DVD's and XBox games that were left for our use here.  So we think a movie would be a good idea tonight!

Bodrum Marina
Bit wet but still lovely for a walk

Bodrum Castle in background
We went for a fresh walk in slight drizzle down to the marina.  Fishing boats always look cheery in the harbour.  There were fishermen selling their catch, some varieties we didn't recognise - not that I was ever a good fish spotter.  I was keen to buy some for dinner but Karl wasn't, so we didn't.  The kids were really hungry as it was close to 2PM and we hadn't really had lunch but had sort of snacked.  Hungry and tired kids need attention and a quick bakery stop would have easily sorted them out.  It was not a happy scene.  Finally, I spotted a bakery and bought some buns for the kids and they were more than happy to soldier on.  We went to two supermarkets and settled on supplies for dinner tonight.  We are a bit more familiar with food labels now!

More marina views
Luke is always fascinated by fish!

Back at the house which is on a steep hill, I continued the school battle with Luke.  It was fruitless and Luke took himself off to bed at 5 PM and slept.

Dinner was just sizzling on the stove when the gas bottle ran out!  We rang Mustafa which was just as well as then the electricity went off!! A comedy of errors - between heating and hot water, the electric circuit doesn't cope and shorts.  We asked for another heater and before we knew it Mustafa and his friend were here helping and apologising and then the gas man came and we could continue with our half cooked dinner!

Luke was still asleep during all the power outages and gas bottle drama and in fact he slept all night with no dinner.  Poor little boy must have been so tired even though it appeared that he slept quite well on the bus.

The rest of us watched a movie, The Adjustment Bureau, in front of the heater all snuggled and cosy!  Mustafa sent us a couple of trays of Turkish desserts as a way of apologising for the inconvenience with all the appliances which was a really lovely gesture.  We enjoyed chocolate eclairs and profiteroles and other delicious but unknown delicacies!  We are glad we are staying for 12 nights here as it is great and feels like "home".

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