Monday, 28 September 2015

28 September 2015 - Olie Bollen, a ferry ride and the Maritime Museum

As it was Ali's first morning here, I thought it was fitting to take her to our local shops by the canal, on the bikes, which we did.  Very pleasant morning, indeed.

Outside Plus Ouderkerk aan de Amstel
After packing our picnic lunch we all cycled towards Amsterdam.  Luke proudly rode his bike to the conclusion of the bike only path and locked his bike up there. From this point, the bike path becomes a lane on a road lined with cars. Much as he would have loved to cycle through the streets of the old part of town, it is just too dangerous with vehicles stopping and turning without warning.

Stopped at a rising bridge

Bridge closing side ways

We were keen to take the free ferry to North Amsterdam from near Central Station and joined the throng of other cyclists to cross the water.  Just over the other side we spotted a van selling Olie Bollen!  These doughnutty balls rolled in icing sugar are traditionally eaten at New Year along with appelflapper (apple fritters).  We sat on the banks of the river until the local grass cutter came whipper-snippering (had held grass cutter) his way through our picnic spot.  We cycled on and found a great spot by a lock and watched a big cargo ship and several smaller recreational craft go through the lock.  It was lots bigger than the locks we'd seen in Banbury on the canal.

On the ferry....
 We enjoyed our picnic there until the same whipper-snippering guy turned up and disturbed our peace again!  Luke was keen to go to the Scheepvaart (Maritime) Museum so Tim, Annika and Ali rode home whilst Luke, Karl and I stayed on at the museum.


Picnic spot
 The highlight of this museum was definitely the big replica VOC (Dutch East India Company) sailing ship which is floating on the water in the dock.  We had a bit of fun in the hammocks and checking out the cabins and hull and firing the canons, too!

Lock opening

Boats going through

The Amsterdam at the Scheepvaart Museum
 The whole west wing of the museum is dedicated to children and like all other museums we have seen in Holland, had engaging interactive exhibits.  I quite liked carrying around the computerised bucket and playing the game about sea voyages.  The exhibition on the golden era of the Dutch East India Company was interesting as was the map which showed what parts of Holland were reclaimed when.  The saying: God created the world but the Dutch made Holland" made me laugh!  Why they reclaimed the land remains a mystery!

Boats through the canal

Maritime Museum

The Amsterdam

In the hull

Pointing a canon

Looking up to the rigging

We cycled down the now familiar paths back to Luke's bike and then home.  It is great to feel at home and familiar with our local surrounds so quickly!

Annika cooked dinner whilst Luke did a late session of school.  Another still and pretty evening over the Amstel!

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