Sunday, 27 September 2015

27 September 2015 - Bikes, planes and buses

In anticipation of my sister's arrival I thought it would be good to do a reconnaissance mission to locate the exact spot for the bus stop to go to the airport.  Tim and I set off on the bikes but just before the main road the chain came off my bike. It proved difficult to put on as it was encased and then Tim cut his finger in the process so we walked the bikes home.  It was a perfectly still and lovely morning so a walk wasn't the worst thing!

Breakfast eaten and we set off again to find the bus stop for Bus 300 which was at the end of the Molenpad (Windmill path).  

The big kids and I hatched a plan to pick Ali up in the Dutch style:  bus and bike!  We took the bus to the airport (Schiphol) which is only 20 minutes from here.  After some mucking about and exploring the airport, we greeted Ali and headed back home.  Tim ran alongside us so Ali could ride his bike.  The paths were very busy being a Sunday and beautiful weather.

Another Iamsterdam sign to climb on.

Miffy everywhere!  Dick Bruna must have been Dutch!

Delft Miffy!

Miffy on parade

...and some more....

Arrival doors waiting for Ali
 The afternoon was too good to stay inside drinking cups of tea and chatting so we all set off on the bikes again to show Ali our local surrounds, the canals, the water birds and the farm animals.   Luke is so confident on his bike now and was keen to try the bridge over the "sloot" nearby.

Loving the sunshine!

Our local path and sloot

Stopping for the view
 It is so lovely having my sister here to share a bit of our Dutch experience!
Our house

One of the other residents here.

More cows being fattened for market.

Our all purpose table looking out to the river.

Chatting after dinner.

The boys!
We watched the 1962 version of "To Kill a Mockingbird" starring Gregory Peck.  Old black and white movie and beautifully acted and filmed.

Today was just a nice day of biking locally and chilling out.  It's good to have days like these on our journey!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen enjoyed the post and I am envious of the view from your table- gorgeous. Love to all Cathy
