Tuesday, 4 August 2015

4 August 2015 - Catching our collective breath, catching up with school and Cornish Pasties

Tim and I were up early for a Skype call with one of his distance education teachers which was fruitful.  Then we walked in the head wind to the canal,  where it was a bit more sheltered, and walked in the opposite direction to our usual walk passing the permanent canal residents until we reached two cute little bridges.  As this side of the path is less used, we came across lots of blackberries perfectly juicy and ripe.  Poor Tim lost his balance and tumbled into the mass of stinging nettles and briars - OUCH!

Someone's home for the summer!
Back at the apartment, we started school and persevered  until we'd caught up on lost time having been away yesterday.  Ah, the beauty of home schooling and a flexible program!  A bit of a slog but if you get behind, it is hard to catch up if it is left for too long.  Tomorrow will also be an intensive day as we are travelling on Friday.  It is good staying in most places for a month or so which means we can plan a bit of a schedule and keep up with the program.

School! - also lounge room/dining room
Luke in his toy deprived state (apart from two lunch boxes of Lego and a few little dragons) has taken to collecting boxes for his temples and castles which mean the room he shares with Annika is like a fortress at the moment!  As we leave on Friday, they can all go in the recycling bin then!

With a shortage of toys, boxes suffice to make all sorts!
 Our neighbourhood is an estate comprising a grid of streets on which there are rows of matching houses/apartments with a few play areas scattered about.  It is a newish area and well planned to fit in lots of people in a small space.  There are plenty of shrubs and flowers but there is also plenty of rubbish chucked about despite provison of bins.  The kids wander around in groups and there seems to be an aire of discontent.

Our place and our lease car

Entrance and hall

Our bedroom
 Whilst not everyone owns a car, parking spots are rare and if not in your allocated spot, you may risk clamping.  The parking near corners rule we have in Australia clearly doesn't apply here!  Cars park on either side of the road facing which ever way!! All very confusing for us in a left hand drive car!

Parking so close to the corner is common here but this guy's not even close to the kerb!
Luke definitely needed a walk and I'd promised him a reward for his day at school from Tesco.  The ever monotonous decision of deciding what is for dinner was quickly sorted when we saw Cornish Pasties on sale and thought it was time to try some.  They were really tasty but very fatty judging by my burps as I write!

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