Thursday, 27 August 2015

27 August 2015 - Turnpike Trail, Bennachie

The drizzly weather seems to have decided it rather likes this little spot! Schoolwork is ever present so we persevered.  Luke finished his Dragon Farm project with sound!  He was understandably proud of his efforts!  As we'll be busy this weekend, the big kids are working hard to get ahead of their curriculum so  they can take a break.  The good part of distance education is that Tim and Annika can work out their own schedule which is a fantastic skill to learn early on in life.

Bennachie walk
 The hills were beckoning us to have at least one more walk before we leave this area next week.  We decided to head back to Bennachie Hills and walk along the Turnpike Trail to the Visitor Centre and back.  Karl and I indulged in blaeberries (blueberries) and raspberries - AMAZING!! The forest floor was covered with the low shrubby blueberries plants with their shiny indigo berries, washed clean by the rain!  A feast to behold.

Left over from crofters who were kicked off the land by the wealthy land owners

Blueberries and heather

Tim tossing the caber
 The Visitor Centre is a great spot with activities for kids and great displays.  The ranger was knowledgeable and helpful.  We found out about the capercaillie - a local bird which makes a noise like a clop of a horse, we saw a lovely red squirrel feeding from a feed box in the hide outside the window and heard a folktale about Little Jock, the giant who supposedly guards the Bennachie hills.

 The capercaillie is a large woodland grouse.  They are ground feeders and found in Scottish native pinewood. The UK capercaillie population has declined so rapidly that it is at very real risk of extinction.  We didn't see one but at least we know what the clopping sound in the woods would be!

Bennachie Visitor Centre


Blue tongue!

Toadstool 1

Toadstool 2

And that was today!  Here I sit wishing we'd taken a container to collect more blueberries.  They were SO delicious!


  1. I have learnt that in this season one must carry at least a plastic bag. So much free goodness in the woods right now! (blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, strawberries).
