Thursday, 14 May 2015

14 May 2015 - Preparing to move on

Karl and I counted how many times we have moved places so far on our trip and we think it is at least 16!  It is far easier to pack and move with our 70 litre big packs and our smaller day packs and some food and extras we have picked up along the way, than it was for our big move as we left our home for a year some 5 months ago!  I must say it was easy to call this gite "home" as it was well equiped and spacious and really comfortable.

Cute but very efficient wood burner

Living area - very homely

Packing up usually means hair cuts, nails trimmed and other tidy ups which would normally take place as part of a routine at home.  As we have undefined weeks with no particular structure,  those "routine" things don't know when to happen!

Early morning "mirror" lake

Tim and I had a 6 km walk this morning in warm, in fact quite hot sun, to take a slightly longer wander to check out the lake in the mirror stillness of morning.  Before long the dark clouds gathered, as predicted and heavy rain set in.  I was sort of glad for a dull day for schooling, cleaning and packing.

View to the garden

View from kitchen window
 The biggest challenge of the day was trying to remove sunscreen from the car's upholstery.  After several attempts, finally the clothes washing powder and boiling hot water did the trick (for future reference!).  We are hoping to avoid the cleaning cost when we return the car so now that it is really clean, we have lined the traffic areas with cardboard so hopefully when we drop the car off, it will still be clean!
Skipping and bouncing along
 Luke and his friends played for hours which was so lovely.  We don't know if he'll find other friends en route, but the three weeks here have topped up his "friend tank" and hopefully he will manage ok until the next dose of friends! 

A rainbow!
As we set out on our evening walk, the clouds cleared and apart from one or two drops of rain and a beautiful rainbow, we enjoyed the setting sun.  We met Rod and Maelisa en route and walked down yet another "new" path to the lake for one last look!  The younger kids skipped and bounced the whole way and Luke was still bouncing when he went to bed.  How wonderful it has been here!

Friendly mule

1 comment:

  1. We lived in England for a year when I was 13 and I remember well the difficulty of parting from new friends. This part of your trip has sounded quite idyllic.No doubt Paris will be exciting tho'! Btw I was in Hobart. Got back last night after a lovely little holiday with 4 girl friends. So much delicious food over there!!
